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“Why I’ve lied about my age on dates”

All of a sudden, this fantasy love affair falls apart. Also, he has a wife with a kid on the way. I guess he was too good to be true after all.

Is lying about your age to get dates ok? Does the dating situation you’re in make a difference? Does your age? Get the answers you need in.

You are not logged in, either login or create an account to post comments. Site update 3 Aug. Why do some middle-aged men lie about their age on Tinder? However, I seem to keep running into middle-aged men who are shaving a few years off their age. I don’t care about age but I do care about honesty! The guys are overall nice people, if perhaps a little narcissistic or insecure.

I have not experienced this with women — I’m bi — or men in their 20s or 30s. I make it clear that I am open to dating a huge range of ages. A male friend said that lying about age is very common for women, which I can understand due to the mix of ageism and sexism.

